

The Holmesdale School is committed to safeguarding our students, staff and visitors and expect anyone connected to the school to share this commitment. 

The Holmesdale School works with outside agencies in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children and Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) to promote the safeguarding and wellbeing of all students and staff. You can find both of these policies linked above.

We have a strong safeguarding team at The Holmesdale School. Any issues of safeguarding can be raised with either the Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Emma Beal, or with one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. 

Direct contact details can be found in the list below.  

If you need to contact the school with a Safeguarding concern,
please email:


Who are the safeguarding leads?  

Lead DSL - Mrs Emma Beal -

Deputy DSL - Mrs Nikki Ball -

Deputy DSL – Mr Sam Naylor –

Deputy DSL – Mrs Gina Adams –

Deputy DSL – Mrs Rachel Playford –


Useful links and Information

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

This service provides information and support for victims of domestic abuse, those supporting a victim or people wanting information about domestic abuse.  It includes a quick exit function allowing the user leave the site at the click of a button.

Internet Matters: Sexting 

This is a really useful website which helps parents and carers learn about sexting (also known as Youth Produced Sexual Imagery), provides advice about protecting your child and dealing with an incident of sexting.  It also contains useful resources including educational videos to share with your child.

Kent Safeguarding Children Partnership

Click here to view all of our school policies including safeguarding & CP.